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 T42 ATtiny13A ATtiny25 ATtiny45 ATtiny85 plug in development program
T42 ATtiny13A ATtiny25 ATtiny45 ATtiny85 plug in development program
SKU : AttinyDB-C234
Stock : 37pcs
Price:PKR 200.00
Click on the following link for product video demo presentation.

The ATTINY85-20PU DIP-8 pin line pluggable ATMEL
/ATtiny45/ATtiny85 development board ATtiny13A/ATtiny25 pluggable programming board
Factory direct and convenient programming
Development board support chip ATtiny13A/ATtiny25 /ATtiny45/ATtiny85, etc.
Note that the default shipping without ATtiny microcontroller chip,

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